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Updated LOL Champions Price List

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:32 pm
by alison
Here's the alphabetical list of League of Legends champions and their prices:

Champion: IP / RP Price

Akali: 6300 / 220
Alistar: 3150 / 150
Amumu: 3150 / 150
Anivia: 3150 / 150
Annie: 450 / 80
Ashe: 450 / 80

Blitzcrank: 3150 / 150
Brand: 6300 / 220

Caitlyn: 6300 / 220
Cassiopeia: 3150 / 150
Cho'Gath: 3150 / 150
Corki: 6300 / 220

Dr Mundo: 1350 / 80

Evelynn: 3150 / 150
Ezreal: 6300 / 220

Fiddlesticks: 1350 / 80

Galio: 1350 / 80
Gangplank: 3150 / 150
Garen: 450 / 80
Gragas: 1350 / 80

Heimerdinger: 3150 / 150

Irelia: 3150 / 150

Janna: 1350 / 80
Jarvan IV: 6300 / 220
Jax: 6300 / 220

Karma: 3150 / 150
Karthus: 6300 / 220
Kassadin: 3150 / 150
Katarina: 6300 / 220
Kayle: 450 / 80
Kennen: 6300 / 220
Kog'Maw: 3150 / 150

LeBlanc: 3150 / 150
Lee Sin: 3150 / 150
Lux: 3150 / 150

Malphite: 1350 / 80
Malzahar: 6300 / 220
Maokai: 3150 / 150
Master Yi: 450 / 80
Miss Fortune: 1350 / 80
Mordekaiser: 6300 / 220
Morgana: 3150 / 150

Nasus: 1350 / 80
Nidalee: 1350 / 80
Nocturne: 6300 / 500
Nunu: 450 / 80

Olaf: 1350 / 80
Orianna: 3150 / 150

Pantheon: 6300 / 220
Poppy: 1350 / 80

Rammus: 3150 / 150
Renekton: 6300 / 220
Rumble: 3150 / 150
Ryze: 450 / 80

Shaco: 3150 / 150
Shen: 3150 / 150
Singed: 1350 / 80
Sivir: 450 / 80
Sion: 450 / 80
Sona: 1350 / 80
Soraka: 1350 / 80
Swain: 3150 / 150

Taric: 3150 / 150
Teemo: 3150 / 150
Tristana: 1350 / 80
Trundle: 3150 / 150
Tryndamere: 6300 / 220
Twisted Fate: 3150 / 150
Twitch: 6300 / 220

Udyr: 3150 / 150
Urgot : 3150 / 150

Vayne: 6300 / 220
Veigar: 1350 / 80
Vladimir: 6300 / 220

Warwick: 6300 / 220

Xin Zhao: 3150 / 150

Zilean: 1350 / 80

Please correct my list if it's not updated :D post the updated prices below so I can edit